16 October 2005

15 October updates

Haloo! I hope that this note finds you well.
I've been working at my new office for four months now, have read J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Books 1 to 6 at least twice this year, am working my way through Stephen King's The Dark Tower Book 3, and am still adjusting to the recent addition of the ETC channel to our cable TV lineup. It's a lazy Saturday afternoon in the 'burbs and I've decided to start my own blog for two reasons. One: because there 10,563 things I want to tell my family and friends everyday but don't have enough time to call/text/e-mail everyone and two: I saw something in the supermarket that just made me howl with laughter (photo to follow).
Anyway, that is all for now. Have a great weekend, keep smiling and God bless!
B ;)


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