Online window shopping
When I have a moment to breathe at the office, I point my browser to just to see what's making headlines around the world.
I found this article online last Tuesday and felt so bummed out because Boracay wasn't mentioned. Imagine, it's not even an affordable destination. For Asia they mentioned Indonesia, Thailand and even Cambodia, I think. I hope that I just missed reading the word Philippines by accident. Meanwhile, that image is not a link because I haven't figured out how to do that, yet. Sometime in the future, heheh :D Now here's another article I
enjoyed reading yesterday. Sorry, again, not a link. It talks about how you should have foresight when you build or renovate your home. What could be trendy now may be outdated by the time you think of selling your home. I just saved the photos because they looked like a bathroom I would want to have in my home someday, haha :) Okay, must get back to work. Happy surfing and happy weekend ;)
love the bathroom! :)
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